This program aims to grow millennials in organizations into transformative leaders with life skills that accelerate growth in their profession. With rapidly changing times, there is need to be adaptable and flexible to changing needs in the market and industry, hence the need to equipped with the right tools and skills to succeed. We shall cover 6 modules in the Evolved Leader program:
- Self-Awareness
- The Ultimate Marriage
- Resource Utilization
- Failing forward
- Embracing Process for Success
- Legacy
Pain Points:
Millennials are a generation that desire to create impact as they work. This program helps one to understand themselves better and clearly articulate their vision, values and skills that they can apply in their work environment, consequently improving commitment, work performance and team work engagement.
Value Proposition:
Ability to grow leadership and management skills among millennials, thus creating room for improved work relations and optimal work delivery.
A 6-day program with an hour long session each day shall be conducted. Each day will cover a different module. Sessions will be daily within the week. A short quiz will be required to be done to progress to lessons of the next day.
This program aims to equip millennials in the organization with the right skills to lead and work with teams well to collaborate and work effectively within their organization.
Workshop Learning Outcomes:
This program is tailored to grow self-awareness, identify ones’ gifts and purpose, whilst challenge them to be pro-active and efficient in their leadership skills; and grow their ability to navigate challenges and create a purposeful legacy.
Workshop Contents/Topics:
- Personality test
- Who are you? Strengths and weaknesses?
- The ‘why’ of what you do
- What’s your value system?
- What are your gifts? What is your purpose?
- Embracing your difference
- Binding your gifts and purpose
- Using your constraints (resources and teams) to generate creativity and productivity in the workplace.
- Building your team:
- How to cultivate trust and unity, whilst using the strengths of others in your team.
- The art of influencing:
- Tools one can use to unite, lead and influence their teams.
- Time management
- How to be productive working from home.
- Pursuing career growth in digital times.
- Embracing rejection and failure
- Tools to recover from failure
- How to position for success
- The time equalizer
- The art of discipline, consistency and persistence
- The key to unlocking your greatness
- How to deal with Burn-out
- Purpose of life
- Personal brand
- What are you remembered for?
FACILITATOR BRIEF (Brief details on the Facilitator with emphasis on this particular training):
Vanessa Kimoro is a business, leadership and personal development consultant with vast research on leadership, millennials and generation Z. She also runs ‘An African Millennial Podcast’ that aims to inspire and empower millennials and Gen-Z future leaders to be the impactful and transformational. She is passionate about growing leadership skills in individuals and committed to assisting them to be transformative leaders by being the best version of themselves.
Target Audience: Millennials (individuals born between 1980 and 1996)
Pre-requisite/s: Access to internet and video-conferencing facility.
Date: 26th October-2nd November 2020
Duration: 6 days
Mode of Delivery: Online (ZOOM-2 hours & Moodle-2 Hours) every day