The AFRALTI 66th Governing Council Meeting
The AFRALTI 66th Governing Council meeting was officially opened by Tanzania’s Hon. Mr. Mulembwa Munaku, Director of Communication, Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology on the 13th September 2023 at the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority Headquarters in Dar es Salaam.
The meeting was graced by the AFRALTI member states, namely; Kenya (Communications Authority of Kenya – chairing), Tanzania – The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority, Uganda – The Uganda Communications Commission, Malawi – The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority, Mozambique – Instituto Nacional das Comunicações de Moçambique , Kingdom of Eswatini – Eswatini Communications Commission and The Gambia – Gambia Telecommunications and Multimedia Institute. Also in attendance was the National Communication Authority of South Sudan, East African Communications Organization (EACO) and The Pan African Postal Union (PAPU).
During his speech, the guest of honour, Hon. Mr. Mulembwa Munaku said, ” there is need for regulators to embrace digital technologies and position Human Resources as a key enabler of the digital transformation strategy. This is particularly important, as we navigate the rapidly changing technological landscape, and organizations must be agile and adaptable to remain competitive and sustainable. In the current era of rapid technological advancement, it is imperative that employees possess the skills and adaptability to navigate both disruptive and constructive innovations.”
AFRALTI was recognized as a relevant institute to address digital skills gap in the region based on its mandate and areas of expertise. The members encouraged the institute to continue developing relevant courses to meet the growing demand for training in the Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond.
The member states were also encouraged to perform more engagements and explore other mechanisms to ensure member States advance the ratification process of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Addendum in their jurisdictions.
The meeting came to a close on 15th September 2023.