Mobile and Social-Economic Development

Course Overview

The potential of mobile technologies to enhance people’s lives and generate economic value is unprecedented. Governments in every country have a responsibility to create the conditions that maximise the benefits for society. This intensive three-day course highlights the contribution that the mobile industry and mobile technologies make to the economy, and the wide range of mobile services that, particularly in developing countries, can transform people’s lives. Participants will learn about regulatory best practices for the mobile sector, as well as practical steps that can accelerate the delivery and uptake of mobile-driven education, healthcare and financial services to all citizens.

Target Audience

Telecommunications regulatory professionals and other staff working with government ministries and agencies.

 Pain Points

Telecommunications regulators require a broad understanding of the economic impact and societal benefits that flow from the mobile sector. Having this perspective supports rational, fact-based regulatory strategies that create the best outcomes for a country’s economy and citizens.

Course Outline – MSED

Reference Resources

Mobile for Development

m-Powering Development Initiative

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