June 2022 Newsletter



Huawei Training Center at AFRALTI Aims to Bridge ICT Skills Gap in Africa

Africa needs urgent and concerted efforts to address the skills deficit conundrum if it is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2063, respective national development strategies and the regions ICT Agenda Read more



AFRALTI CISCO Training in Gambia

In its mandate to develop human capacity in ICT in the Sub-Saharan Africa, AFRALTI crossed borders to Gambia to train participants in the CISCO CyberOps Associate.
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e Learning Africa Conference 2022
e Learning Africa is the venue for ministerial round table, an annual meeting of African ICT and Education ministers, who take part in a day-long discussion of key issues affecting education, training, skills and technology. Read more

Digital Skills Training and Creation of Viable Market Linkages in Dadaab
Breathtaking developments in new digital technologies are re-shaping economies and nations. Examples of these are 5G wireless communications, smartphones, mobile computing, quantum computing, cloud storage, big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, virtual/augmented reality, Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things. Read more

AFRALTI Director Visits the Sub-Saharan Africa
In line with AFRALTI’s mission to provide human capacity development, advisory services and promote innovation through quality programmes, strategic alliances and partnerships, AFRALTI’s Director Mr. William Baraza had the pleasure of visiting Maputo-Mozambique which is one of AFRALTI’s member states and Addis-Ethiopia. Read more

Child Online Protection Training in Tanzania
Online crimes and abuse against children have become rampant globally. The rise in online vices against children can be attributed to the increase of internet penetration and availability of affordable technology devices and services. Read more

AFRALTI Certified Fiber Optics Technician Training

There are massive national investments in backbone Fiber rollouts in different African Countries. These rollouts demand skilled human resource capital to guarantee the promised returns from properly implemented projects.  Read more

AFRALTI-1st April 2022-31st March 2023 Training Calendar

Follow the link above to view AFRALTI-1st April 2022-31st March 2023 Training Calendar.

AFRALTI Upcoming Events

  1. Africa Cyber Defense Forum (ACDF) 2022 – 22nd & 23rd June 2022
  2. AFRALTI Liaison Forum 26th -29th July 2022