June 2022 Newsletter

Africa needs urgent and concerted efforts to address the skills deficit conundrum if it is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2063, respective national development strategies and the regions ICT Agenda.

Huawei Training Center at AFRALTI Aims to Bridge ICT Skills Gap in Africa

ICT skills and capacity deficits remain a major challenge facing African countries in their quest for sustainable development.

AFRALTI’s footprint in the African region has seen it strive to narrow the skills gap in the continent by building capacity among ICT practitioners. As this cannot be achieved alone, AFRALTI has over the years partnered with Huawei to develop ICT skills across various levels.

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In its mandate to develop human capacity in ICT in the Sub-Saharan Africa, AFRALTI crossed borders to Gambia to train participants in the CISCO CyberOps Associate.

AFRALTI CISCO Training in Gambia

AFRALTI facilitated the training at the Gambia Telecommunications Institute which saw 30 participants take the class from different ministries and organizations in the country. Ministries and organizations represented were; Ministry of Youths & Sports, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of ICT, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Gambia Ports Authority and the National Audit. Read more



e Learning Africa is the venue for ministerial round table, an annual meeting of African ICT and Education ministers, who take part in a day-long discussion of key issues affecting education, training, skills and technology.

e Learning Africa Conference 2022

AFRALTI as a leading ICT training center in Africa took part in this year’s conference which was held in Kigali, Rwanda at the Kigali Convention Centre from 11-13, May 2022 under the theme “A new purpose for Education”. Read more



Breathtaking developments in new digital technologies are re-shaping economies and nations. Examples of these are 5G wireless communications, smartphones, mobile computing, quantum computing, cloud storage, big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, virtual/augmented reality, Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things. These technologies, in particular through the use of big data and AI, will drive advances in physical and biological technologies, in areas such as 3-D printing, new materials, energy conversion and storage, biotechnology and advanced robotics.

Digital Skills Training and Creation of Viable Market Linkages in Dadaab

The convergence of multiple technologies will radically transform the organization of economies and how people live and work. It also holds the promise to address Africa’s pressing economic and social development challenges. Read more




In line with AFRALTI’s mission to provide human capacity development, advisory services and promote innovation through quality programmes, strategic alliances and partnerships, AFRALTI’s Director Mr. William Baraza had the pleasure of visiting Maputo-Mozambique which is one of AFRALTI’s member states and Addis-Ethiopia.
In Maputo he paid a courtesy call to Tmcel which is one of AFRALTI’s associate members. Tmcel is currently working on areas to skill their staff as they plan major infrastructure rollout for 4G and 5G in Mozambique.Read more



Online crimes and abuse against children have become rampant globally. The rise in online vices against children can be attributed to the increase of internet penetration and availability of affordable technology devices and services.

Child Online Protection Training in Tanzania

Capacity building in Child Online Protection (COP) continues to be a major need to each and every stakeholder who deals with children directly or indirectly. Training as part of AFRALTI’s mandate, crossed boarders into Tanzania in early June 2022 where it’s holding its first 4 weeks COP instructor led virtual class in the country.Read more



There are massive national investments in backbone Fiber rollouts in different African Countries. These rollouts demand skilled human resource capital to guarantee the promised returns from properly implemented projects.

AFRALTI Certified Fiber Optics Technician Training

AFRALTI as an approved Fiber Optics Training Center, continues to equip technicians and engineers with technical and theoretic skills to get them ready for deployment in the ongoing Broadband initiatives in Africa.Read more