ICT Policy and Regulation in a Converged Environment

This course describes the legal, regulatory, policy and environmental requirements for a converged society within the provision of Information and Communication Services in the context of global transformation.

The module examines the legal, regulatory, policy and environmental issues facing governments, network operators and users. The key issues are:

  • Commercialisation
  • Liberalisation
  • Resources
  • Frameworks both Legal and Regulatory
  • Converged Services

Workshop Objectives:

On successful completion of the module, the participants will be able to:

  1. Critically analyse the transformation from incumbent monopoly to competitive commercialised environment;
  2. Investigate the Legal, Regulatory and Policy Frameworks of a converged society;
  3. Systematically evaluate the role and functions of a Regulatory Body including Authorisation/Licensing and the role of ITU and WTO;
  4. Critically analyse the interrelationship between the issues of licensing, interconnection, competition and universal service/access;


Workshop Contents/Topics:

  • The purpose and need for Regulation
  • Legal and Regulatory Frameworks
  • ICT Policy compilation
  • ICT Law
  • Competition Law
  • Converging, Interconnecting and Access Networks
  • Universal Service/Universal Access and the role of International Bodies
  • Spectrum Trading
  • Broadcasting Policy, Regulation and Convergence
  • Regulation of the Over-The-Top Services (OTTs)

Target Audience: Telecom Operators; Internet Service Providers, ICT Regulators and Policy makers.

Duration: 4 Weeks
