AFRALTI jointly with The Fiber Optics Association (FOA) is offering four certificate courses as follows:
Certified Fiber Optics Technician (CFOT), Certified Premises Cabling Technician (CPCT), Certified Fiber To The Home – FTTH (CFOS/H) and Certified Fiber Optic Network Design Specialist (CFOS/D).
Both Theory and Hands-On Training will conducted in all the courses. You will have opportunity to be taught by highly qualified Certified Fiber Optics Specialists/Instructors (CFOS/I).
AFRALTI is committed to equip technicians and engineers with technical and theoretic skills who will then be ready to be deployed in the ongoing broadband initiatives in East Africa and beyond. We are aware of the submarine cables landing in Mombasa, Dar es salaam and the other coastal Cities in Africa. There is massive national backbone Fiber rollouts in different African Countries. A number of Countries have developed a Broadband Strategy, e-Government; e-Health and e-Education are some of the prime examples of applications being launched.
Potential participants in the course are Voice, Data and Video (VDV) and FTTx Technicians; IT and Telecommunications Engineers. High School leavers who are inspiring to be Fiber Optics Technicians are welcome. Tuition Fee is flexible depending on the size of the group.
CFOT, CPCT, CFOS/D, CFOS/H, FOA Approved School # 758
More details:
Fiber Optic School Training Calendar, 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026