Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT), 19th-23rd September 2016

AFRALTI as Fiber Optic School will be running a course on Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT) on 19th to 23rd September 2016.

Course fee for AFRALTI Member States is USD950 (equivalent to Kes96,035.50) while  for non-AFRALTI Member States will pay USD1,140.

The course fee includes tuition fee, course materials, lunches, refreshments and FOA CFOT Exam fee.

Course Outline – Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT)

Fiber Optic School Number 758

To Register please fill the Registration Form and return it to the given email address.


Next Schedule of CFOT is 24th to 28th October 2016