CFOS/D – Certified Fiber Optic Specialist in Design

👤 By 🕓 Posted: 08 / 08 / 2018 | 👁 Views: 2,727

Course Description: The five day course will give participants knowledge and skills they need  to determine demand for optical fiber network by collecting data. It will show how to present this data for evaluation. Participants will learn how to carry out detailed design such as route planning, type and quantity of components requirements for outside plant and premises network. The course also covers, documentation project management, making project proposals and choosing contractor.Course Outline – CFOS/D

Fiber Optic School Training Calendar, 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020

You can visit our Fiber Optic School Number 758  for more details.

To Register please fill the Registration Form and return it to the given email address.