AFRALTI to offer Premises Cabling Course
AFRALTI is now authorised to offer Certified Premises Cabling Technician (CPCT), by The Fiber Optic Association, Inc. (FOA),
AFRALTI is listed as FOA School to offer both Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT) and CPCT,
Target audience:
Voice, Data and Video (VDV) and FTTx Technicians; IT and Telecom Engineers
Topics to be covered in CPCT:
Introduction to Premises Cabling
Structured Cabling Description and Standards
Premises Wiring
Premises Fiber Optics
Optional: Residential Wiring
Hands-on Labs: Wiring (cable, punchdowns, jacks and plugs) and fiber optics (premises cabling, termination and testing)
CFOTs taking a CPCT course need only cover a fiber review, then these topics:
Premises Wiring
Wiring Installation Practices (Hands-on labs)
Cabling for wireless
Hands-on Labs: Wiring (cable, punchdowns, jacks and plugs) and fiber optics (premises cabling, termination and testing).
Contact us for more details