AFRALTI Partners with 01Talent Africa to Open Centers of Collective Intelligence to identify, train and support New African Digital Talent.
AFRALTI in partnership with 01Talent Africa is set to launch an exciting new digital education initiative. The initiative involves creating a suite of centers of collective intelligence across Kenya which seeks to open up access to software engineering skills and jobs to students of disadvantaged backgrounds. The model is teacherless (based on peer to peer learning in physical schools), strictly meritocratic, tuition free and entirely gamified.
The first Centre will open in Nairobi in 2022.
AFRALTI being a strategic partner in Kenya will leverage its presence and expertise to the 01Talent Africa group in order to boost upward social mobility and to meet the challenges of digital transformation through an inclusive and sustainable approach to human capital development in Kenya.
Speaking during the MoU signing, William Baraza, AFRALTI Director said:
“We are excited to partner with 01 Talent to provide this unique and one of a kind revolutionary program for delivering world class digital skills in emerging technologies through a specialized pedagogical technic that is teacherless. Starting off the program in Kenya in 2021 and later on expanding to the rest of the AFRALTI community of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, this program is intended to bridge the digital divide by ensuring that Africa youth develop the more required skills for the future of work, digital economy and the fourth industrial revolution (4IR).
Leveraging the expertise 01Talent in delivery and support of the program and the large African footprint and over 30 years experience in capacity building in ICTs on the continent by AFRALTI, I believe that the African youth will immensely benefit from this program that will ensure jobs creation by working with other global big tech organizations. The program will also enable creation of entrepreneurs during or at the end of the 2 year intensely interactive and extremely engaging period”
Deror Sultan, 01Talent Africa CEO said:
“We are very proud to kick off this new partnership between AFRALTI and 01Talent.
We share the same values of success and we are delighted to join forces to support new Kenyan digital talents and transform the landscape of digital education in Kenya.
We share this vision of a fairer, more inclusive world in which diversity is a resource that we have chosen to build this partnership.
This project is for me, an entrepreneur of African origin, born in Israel, and having devoted 30 years to the service of scarce human resources and having worked for the development of numerous projects in more than 30 countries, a necessary commitment for all African countries that already have the most precious resource: the youth of its human capital.
AFRALTI is an inter-governmental institute established in 1991 to supplement and spearhead information and communications technology development efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The institute has an extensive track record stretching 30 years of providing quality training in Technology, Engineering, Management, Policy and Regulation in Telecommunications/ICT industry in Africa. AFRATLI has a broad and deep expertise in designing and delivering the full range of customized training programs with a large pool of recognized expertise drawn from the ICT Industry as well as the academia.
About 01Talent Africa
01Talent Africa is the pan-African talent agency of the 01Talent International group, which aims to identify, develop and connect to the professional world 1 million world class coders in the world by 2035 through the combination of a proven pedagogical model deployed in more than 40 countries and a sustainable and exponential business model.
01Talent Africa is powered by 01Edu, the ultimate upgrade of the “peer-to-peer” (teacherless) and gamified pedagogical approach developed by Nicolas Sadirac and his team, which is a learning platform designed to address the growing shortage of IT developers.
This pedagogical model that develops entrepreneurial spirit, creativity and collective intelligence has already been deployed by our co-founder Nicolas Sadirac and his Alumni in more than 40 countries around the world, training more than 100,000 Talents in the last 10 years.
The African deployment of 01Talent will start in Cape Verde, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Benin, and more to come with the support of our partners, UCLG Africa, the umbrella organization and the united voice and representative of local governments in Africa, and the Didier Drogba Foundation, which leads projects and education programs that contribute to offering better prospects for improving the lives and future of children.