Workshops in Lusaka, Zambia (Spectrum Utilization and Harmonization; and Quality of Service, Monitoring and Compliance), 8th – 19th June 2015

African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI) and Zambia Information and Communications Authority (ZICTA) jointly will be running a ten day training workshops on Spectrum Utilization and Harmonization and Quality of Service, Monitoring and Compliance at Cresta Golfview Hotel in Lusaka, Zambia.

AFRALTI is an ITU Centre of Excellence Network for Africa on Broadband Access and Spectrum Management.

Spectrum Utilization and Harmonization course will be conducted starting from 8th to 12th June 2015 and then Quality of Service, Monitoring and Compliance course from 15th to 19th June 2015.

 Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) will provide logistical arrangement for the workshop and would like to invite all ICT companies to take this opportunity and allow their members of staff to participate in these courses.

It will cost each participant a total of USD 2,400 for the two courses. Registration is open up to 5th June 2015 for Spectrum Utilization and Harmonization course and up to 12th June 2015 for Quality of Service, Monitoring and Compliance course.

Course Outlines

Spectrum Utilization and Harmonization

Quality of Service, Monitoring and Compliance

Registration forms

Registration Form – AFRALTI Members

Registration Form – Non-Members

For more information and registration, please contact us on:

Mr. John Gitonga / Mr. Jonathan P. Mwakijele
Tel: +254 20 265 5011,
+254 710 207 061,

Ms. Chileya Seleta,
Tel: +260 21 12443,


Related information

ZICTA – Workshops in Zambia