MARCH 2024 Newsletter
AFRALTI EMPOWERING INNOVATION THROUGH HUBIQUITOUS H2020 TECHUB CATALYST PROGRAM AFRALTI through its IoT Hub was selected as one of the recipients of the prestigious HUBiquitous H2020 TecHub Catalyst Program, funded by the European Union. This remarkable program is set to elevate the hub as a beacon of technological innovation, skill enhancement, and entrepreneurial advancement […]
December 2023 Newsletter
As the value of being connected to the internet increases, the need to make internet access available and affordable to all citizens becomes ever more urgent. But how many people have access to the internet? Statistics are often quoted about what percentage of the world has access to the internet but those numbers are […]
June 2023 Newsletter
RE-IMAGINING A BETTER CONNECTED AND INNOVATIVE AFRICA African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI) is launching a new initiative dubbed “Re-imagining a Better Connected and Innovative Africa.” As an inter-governmental institution with various member countries in Africa, AFRALTI, has noted that there exists a “missing Link” premised on collaboration that can rapidly contribute to addressing […]
March 2023 Newsletter
YOUNG WOMEN FOR THE DIGITAL ECONOMY The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021 suggests that only 14 per cent of those working in cloud computing, 20 per cent of engineers, and 32 per cent of data and artificial intelligence professionals are women. AFRALTI remains committed to collaborate with partners in changing the ICT […]
September 2022 Newsletter
AFRICA CYBER DEFENSE FORUM (ACDF) 2022 Through its well curated and world-class content, ACDF in strategic partnership with AFRALTI held its 3rd Edition of the forum in Nairobi, Kenya at the Crowne Plaza -bringing together the world’s leading security experts, frontline heroes, government leaders, and executives from various industries to address the challenges of today’s […]
June 2022 Newsletter
Huawei Training Center at AFRALTI Aims to Bridge ICT Skills Gap in Africa ICT skills and capacity deficits remain a major challenge facing African countries in their quest for sustainable development. AFRALTI’s footprint in the African region has seen it strive to narrow the skills gap in the continent by building capacity among ICT practitioners. […]
March 2022 Newsletter
AFRALTI Emerges A Winner In The Connect2recover Research Competition This is the first time that the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the specialised agency of the United Nations for information and communication technologies, has organised an international competition under Connect2Recover. This offers an unprecendented opportunity to contribute towards digital inclusion during the pandemic.Read more […]
December 2021 Newsletter
Cybersecurity Career Opportunities The cybersecurity industry remains a promising area of growth when it comes to career paths in tech and beyond. During the last year, while many industries saw decreases in opportunity due to the economic volatility and uncertainty that came with navigating an unprecedented global pandemic, the cybersecurity industry continued to grow. Remote […]
October 2021 Newsletter
Africa Cyber Defense Forum Barometer Report 2021 As we mark the Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Africa Cyber Defense Forum and AFRALTI officially release the 2021 Barometer Report. The report is released following the annual cybersecurity forum held on 23 and 24 June 2021. This report is a summary of the key highlights of the different thoughts […]
April 2021 Newsletter
Cyber-Hygiene Awareness Creation & Capacity Development Framework for the most Vulnerable Users of ICT Technologies in Kenya The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Authority, in partnership with African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI), Inspire Africa Initiatives International (IAII) and the Africa Cyber Deference Forum (ACDF) Consortium conducts a baseline study to determine the level of […]