Digital Migration & Satellite Communications Training Workshops

👤 By 🕓 Posted: 13 / 05 / 2014 | 👁 Views: 2,889


Digital Migration Policy and Licensing Training Workshop starting from 7th to 9th July 2014 in Bujumbura, Burundi and   Satellite Communications Technologies, Policy and Regulation Training Workshop starting from 10th to 11th July 2014 at Hotel Club du Lac Tanganyika in Bujumbura, Burundi.

The East African Communications Organisation (EACO), The African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI) and The International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) have organized a Three day Training Workshop on Digital Migration Policy and Licensing;  and a Two day Training Workshop on Satellite Communications Technologies, Policy and Regulation to be conducted back-to-back.

Digital Migration Policy and Licensing workshop will cover:

  • Quick look at Electromagnetic spectrum, with specifics on radio communication spectrum.
  • Broadcast spectrum, yesterday, today and tomorrow
  • Understanding current trend in spectrum usage
  • Valuation of the broadcast spectrum
  • Future spectrum needs of the broadcast industry
  • Regulatory authority in the communication industry, single or dual regulator
  • Current licensing method in the broadcast industry in Africa
  • Emerging License methods in Africa
  • Broadcasting policy and practice in Africa
  • Broadcast License as an asset.


Satellite Communications Technologies, Policy and Regulation Workshop will cover:

  •  Satellite Systems and Technologies
  • An overview of satellites design, types, orbits, applications
  • Satellites Communication Technology: Ground segments, Space Segment, Uplink and Downlinks, radio link analysis
  • Satellites Communication Industry: Principles, practices, Policy, Standards, Regulation, Licensing, Spectrum Planning and interference mitigation;  the role of Sector Agencies: ITU, ITSO, Regional and National regulatory Authorities
  • Satellite Communication Systems and Services:  Network Topologies, Services Planning, Equipment Procurement, Installation and Maintenance
  • Satellite Communications Business Drivers


Target groups for Digital Migration Policy and Licensing are:

  • Managers of broadcast stations
  • Regulatory affairs officers of broadcast stations
  • Regulators especially officers responsible for the spectrum


 Target groups for Satellite Communications Technologies, Policy and Regulation are:

  • Senior and middle level business and technical managers working for telecommunications services providers and other ICT service providers
  • ICT Sector regulators and policy makers
  • VSAT Equipment vendors and operators
  • ICT Consultants, researchers and Industry Analysts

EACO invites you to be part of the training workshops as most of the East African Broadcasters are migrating to Digital Broadcasting and Telecom Operators are rolling out infrastructure for Broadband networks.

Further information about these training workshops will be available at the EACO website and the African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute website In the meantime, any request for further information should be sent to the email address:

Official Invitation Letter

Postponement Letter

Training Workshops Content and Registration Form

Online registration at EACO website

List of proposed Hotels in Bujumbura, Burundi

Programme – Digital Migration Policy & Licensing, 7th-9th July 2014

Programme – Satellite Communications, 10th-11th July 2014

We look forward to your participation.