June20 0 AFRALTI Certified Fiber Optics Technician Training There are massive national investments in backbone Fiber rollouts in different African Countries. These...
June20 0 Child Online Protection Training in Tanzania Capacity building in Child Online Protection (COP) continues to be a major need to...
June20 0 AFRALTI Director Visits the Sub-Saharan Africa In line with AFRALTI’s mission to provide human capacity development, advisory services and promote...
June20 0 Digital Skills Training and Creation of Viable Market Linkages in Dadaab Breathtaking developments in new digital technologies are re-shaping economies and nations. Examples of these...
June20 0 e Learning Africa Conference 2022 eLearning Africa is the venue for ministerial round table, an annual meeting of African ICT...
June20 0 AFRALTI CISCO Training in Gambia In its mandate to develop human capacity in ICT in the Sub-Saharan Africa, AFRALTI...
June20 0 Huawei Training Center at AFRALTI Aims to Bridge ICT Skills Gap in Africa ICT skills and capacity deficits remain a major challenge facing African countries in their...