eMCM seminars in Lilongwe, Malawi

African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI) jointly with United Kingdom Telecommunications Academy (UKTA) and Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) will be conducting four different seminars to support registered students with Buckinghamshire New University (BNU).

Two seminars have been conducted till so far at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe, Malawi, these are:

CO721    Legal, Regulatory, Policy & Environment of a Converged Society (LRPECS)    on 7th – 10th Feb 2014 and
CO722    Project Management for ICT on 11th-17th Apr 2014

The dates for the two remaining seminars are as follows:

[EVR_CATEGORY event_category_id=”emcm”]


The seminars are part of the Master of Communications Management conducted online.

For more details please write to Mr. Jonathan P. Mwakijele, Head of Training, Consultancy and Research Unit, Jmwakijele@afralti.org