EIPASS, the European Informatics Passport, is a programme for the certification of digital competences in line with European standards. The programmes are fully in accordance with the e-Competence Framework for ICT Users and the Dig Comp 2.1.

Promotes digital literacy: ideal to begin acquiring digital competences leading to the relative certification.

This is the European passport for computer use. It promotes transversal digital competences on an intermediate level.

Enable flexibility in choice and autonomy in decision-making on the course undertaken. In the case of specific requirements, a particular module may be selected to serve the purpose.
The EIPASS certificate may be achieved in two ways:
- By a licensed EIPASS Center. A dedicated tutor is assigned to follow you, from choosing the certification to enrolling you on a course. The online course takes place on the DIDASKO Platform.
- Entirely Online. Enrolment through the website and learning in your own time. The DIDASKO platform enables identification of didactic materials, and unlimited exercises leading to the final examination.

Hardware and software, file and folder management, internet and networks: discover the logic of the computer.

Perform searches that lead to useful results in a short time, taking advantage of all the tricks and rules for surfing the web.

Discover the potential of web communication services, protect your personal data and your devices, collaborate online with colleagues.

Your computer will have no more secrets for you! learn how to protect it from threats and vulnerabilities.

Microsoft Word is the best application for writing text, only if you know how to use it. Speed up the work, with the right skills.

Create and manage workbooks and spreadsheets, use formulas, functions and graphs to optimize your work.

A well-done presentation can make the difference between “losing” or “being successful”. Don’t be unprepared.
S/N | Course Title | No Days | Location |
1 | EIPASS Module 1: ICT Fundamentals | 5 Days | Online |
2 | EIPASS Module 2: Web Browsing | 5 Days | Online |
3 | EIPASS Module 3: Web Collaboration | 5 Days | Online |
4 | EIPASS Module 4: IT Security | 5 Days | Online |
5 | EIPASS Module 5: Word Processing | 5 Days | Online |
6 | EIPASS Module 6: Spreadsheets | 5 Days | Online |
7 | EIPASS Module 7: Presentations | 5 Days | Online |
8 | EIPASS Module 1: ICT Fundamentals | 5 Days | Online |
9 | EIPASS Module 2: Web Browsing | 5 Days | Online |
10 | EIPASS Module 3: Web Collaboration | 5 Days | Online |
11 | EIPASS Module 4: IT Security | 5 Days | Online |
12 | EIPASS Module 5: Word Processing | 5 Days | Online |
13 | EIPASS Module 6: Spreadsheets | 5 Days | Online |
14 | EIPASS Module 7: Presentations | 5 Days | Online |
15 | EIPASS Module 1: ICT Fundamentals | 5 Days | Online |
16 | EIPASS Module 2: Web Browsing | 5 Days | Online |
17 | EIPASS Module 3: Web Collaboration | 5 Days | Online |
18 | EIPASS Module 4: IT Security | 5 Days | Online |
19 | EIPASS Module 5: Word Processing | 5 Days | Online |
20 | EIPASS Module 6: Spreadsheets | 5 Days | Online |
21 | EIPASS Module 7: Presentations | 5 Days | Online |
22 | EIPASS Module 1: ICT Fundamentals | 5 Days | Online |
23 | EIPASS Module 2: Web Browsing | 5 Days | Online |
24 | EIPASS Module 3: Web Collaboration | 5 Days | Online |
25 | EIPASS Module 4: IT Security | 5 Days | Online |
26 | EIPASS Module 5: Word Processing | 5 Days | Online |
27 | EIPASS Module 6: Spreadsheets | 5 Days | Online |
28 | EIPASS Module 7: Presentations | 5 Days | Online |
29 | EIPASS Module 1: ICT Fundamentals | 5 Days | Online |
30 | EIPASS Module 2: Web Browsing | 5 Days | Online |
31 | EIPASS Module 3: Web Collaboration | 5 Days | Online |
32 | EIPASS Module 4: IT Security | 5 Days | Online |
33 | EIPASS Module 5: Word Processing | 5 Days | Online |
34 | EIPASS Module 6: Spreadsheets | 5 Days | Online |
35 | EIPASS Module 7: Presentations | 5 Days | Online |