AFRATLI Partners with CERTIPASS To Promote Digital Literacy in the Region
CERTIPASS has entered into a partnership with AFRALTI, the African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute, which has chosen the EIPASS programs for the certification of the computer user’s digital skills.
AFRALTI is an Inter-Governmental Institute established in 1991 to supplement and spearhead ICT development efforts mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa.
This collaboration aims to spread the skills necessary for the conscious use of digital devices, the Internet and productivity applications.
The CERTIPASS sole Director, Dr. Mario Palmiero, commented on the start of activities with AFRALTI as follows: “As an international certification body, we have always felt the responsibility to educate and raise awareness among citizens on the issues of digital skills, not only because we firmly believe that the production system cannot ignore having digitally competent human resources, but also and above all because a citizen aware of their digital rights and duties, is a happier citizen and able to dispose of his future.
This partnership allows us to operate with a prestigious and solid body, which operates at an Intergovernmental level in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Kingdom of Eswatini, Zambia and Zimbabwe. I firmly believe that together we will reach important goals and great satisfactions”
During the signing of the MoU the AFRALTI Director, Mr. William Baraza said, “With our focus being developing human resource capacity in the area of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) so as to catalyze the socio-economic development of the region, partnering with CERTIPASS will see AFRALTI accomplish its core mandate by promoting digital literacy where students will acquire digital competences virtually leading to the relative certification. AFRALTI will liverage its African footprint to ensure that the courses on offer are taken up beyond the Sub-Saharan Africa.”